Publikationer i tolkning och översättning / Publications Interpreting and Translation studies 2020
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Internationella författarsamtal som en arena för spridning av översatt litteratur i Sverige – historik och praktik
Public literary conversations with writers, be they foreign or domestic, have gained increasing popularity in Sweden during the past decade. Conversations with foreign writers are mainly held by a few large official organizers, such as the annual Gothenburg Book Fair and the International Authors’ Scene in Stockholm. I employ...
The impact of awards on the translation and circulation of children's literature into semi-peripheral and peripheral languages
The article sheds light on the impact of awards on the translation of children's literature into semi-peripheral and peripheral languages and its transnational circulation. In relation to literature for adults, it has been argued that awards instigate both translation and circulation. This article examines whether a similar c...
Perspectives on Complex Understandings
This special issue contains a peer-reviewed selection of paperspresented atMedia for All8: Complex understandings, a conferencewhich took place in Stockholm in 2019. This introduction links the 15articles included in this special issue to the conference theme, which isalso the theme of this volume:complex understandings. The ...
Journal of Audiovisual Translation
Exploring deaf sign language interpreting students’ experiences from joint sign language interpreting programs for deaf and hearing students in Finland
Integrated university programs for deaf and hearing sign language interpreting students are rare. In Finland, deaf interpreting students have been integrated in the only university program for sign language interpreting since its beginning in the early 1990s. This article investigates the experiences of the deaf interpreting ...
The bilingual courtroom
Översättningsvetenskapens värde i samhället
Har översättnintgsvetenskapen något värde för samhället? Det finns åtminstone två sätt att närma sig den frågan. Svaret skulle kunna vara en reflektion över forskningens relevans för översättare och andra som jobbar med översättningar. Man kan då tänka sig att översättningsforskning har, eller i alla fall borde ha, ett värde ...
Der det brenn
Denne bokomtalen, skriven for Tidsskriftet Mellom, tar for seg Idellea föreningen Autors essaysamling Autor chap II (2020), der omsettarar som på ulike vis jobbar med skandinaviske språk, skriv fram sine omsettingspoetikkar. Dei seks tekstane står støtt kvar for seg, der dei skildrar kjærleiken til språket og littera...
Med utsikt frå Saturn
Denne bokmeldinga, skriven for Bokvennen Litterær Avis (BLA), tar for seg Kreativitet (2020) av Hilde Østby. Østby skapar nye koplingar ved å trekke på hjernevitskap så vel som kunst, litteratur og kreative menneskes erfaringar. Boka er særs lærerik, men har dystre undertonar.
Stillferdig opprørspoesi
I denne bokomtalen, skriven for Bokvennen Litterær Avis (BLA), tar for seg den norske poeten og redaktøren Nils-Øyvind Haagen si diktsamling Det uregjerlige (2020). I boka stiller Haagensen seg ufråvikeleg på sida til den svake parten, idet han bind saman det politiske, det poetiske og det personelege. Men er det så ...
Translated literature as soft propaganda
Among the cultural fields censored under the Nazi rule of occupied Norway (1940-1945) during WWII, translated literature stands out as the most strictly controlled part of the literary field, censored by the Norwegian Literature and Library Office. Moreover, the Reich Commissariat (the highest German authority in occupied Nor...
Women (re)writing authority
This collectively authored reflection on translation began as a roundtable discussion by a group of feminists considering how translation can subvert, rewrite, or question hegemonic definitions of authorship, as well as how it can disrupt or dismantle intersecting regimes of power. Authorizing ourselves to explore a new form ...
Defying norms through unprovoked violence: The translation and reception of two Swedish young adult novels in France.
This chapter examines the translation and reception of two Swedish young adult novels – Spelar död [Play Dead] and När tågen går förbi [When the Trains Pass By] – published in France in the 2000s. Both books use unprovoked violence in a realistic genre for adolescents, something no French author had dared to...
Gaze and eye movement in dialogue interpreting
Previous studies have investigated the cognitive processes of simultaneous interpreting and translation using eye-tracking. No study has yet utilized eye-tracking to investigate cognitive load and cognitive effort in dialogue interpreting. An eye-tracking study was conducted on two groups of interpreters (experienced and inex...
Hundra år av icke-nyöversättningar
Fantastic Translator Role Models and Where to Find Them
Drawing on possible selves theory and role model theory, this article explores translation students' possibilities of envisioning their future as translators. Four MA students in a Swedish university were followed over two years through a longitudinal focus group study. The material was analyzed thematically following Braun a...
Begreppet översättarskap
Artikel om: The Dynamics of Extratextual Translatorship in Contemporary Sweden
This thesis is concerned with Swedish translators and the society in which they work. It begins with an exploration of the concept of translatorship, leading up to a three-part distinction of 1) textual translatorship, 2) paratextual translatorship, and 3) extratextual translatorship. Adopting a mixed methods approach, the em...
Tolkning och översättning
Översättningsvetenskaplig forskning inom romanska språk
Romanistiken i Sverige. Tradition och förnyelse
De romanska språken är de indoeuropeiska språk som utvecklats från latinet. Beteckningen ”romanska språk” syftar även på den akademiska disciplin i vilken de romanska språken och litteraturen från de romanska språkområdena studeras. Denna disciplin, också kallad ”romanistik”, har en lång tradition i Sverige. Den akademiska ut...
Distressful situations, non-supportive work climate, threats to professional and private integrity
This chapter describes situations of distress and the working climate of healthcare interpreters in Sweden. A questionnaire focused on distressful situations was administered to interpreters with experience in healthcare interpreting. The results indicated that distress in healthcare interpreting could be traced back to ethic...
Intercultural competence and communication over language barriers
Intercultural healthcare refers to when people of different cultures and languages communicate and interact in the healthcare context. Intercultural competence is pivotal to provide congruent and meaningful care. The notion intercultural stresses that at least two cultures are involved; however, many use the...
L’interprète de secteur public en Suède
Le rôle de l’interprète du secteur public est compris différemment dans les pays nordiques et par exemple en France. Dans les pays nordiques, la tâche de l’interprète est vue comme bi-partiale c’est à dire que l’interprète se tient à égale distance des parties en présence (Skaaden, 2016). Dans cet article, le rôle, la formati...
Making the Most of Retrospective Process Tracing in Dialogue Interpreting Research
Retrospective verbal process tracing is a popular research method in Interpreting Studies, employed by a growing number of scholars, particularly in studies of conference interpreting, but, to date, it has not been widely employed in studies of dialogue interpreting. This paper begins by introducing process-tracing methodolog...
To re-present a Nobel prize winner
This article examines the unfolding of interaction in a growing and, so far, scarcely examined social and cultural practice – interpreter-mediated public literary conversations. In this context, the activity of interpreters, although indispensable when authors and audiences do not share a common language, is sometimes regarde...
Grasping and Reproducing Topical Episode Boundaries
In Sweden, numerous public conversations on literature featuring authors from abroad are held each year. Some of those are interpreted for the audience. Interpreting strategies evolve to cope with the formal constraints, as well as the amplification of a staged conversation, which is generated by the contextual setting and cu...
The cross-lingual shaping of narrative landscapes
Although consecutive interpreting of longer stretches of speech inevitably involves repetition and delays, it can also be regarded as a resource for engagement in storytelling. In an open, interpreted conversation on stage about a recently published piece of literature, the participants have to manage several tasks at once: a...
Tolkade publika författarsamtal
This dissertation investigates the occurrence and nature of public literary conversations within the discipline of Translation and Interpreting Studies. Alongside a macro-sociological exploration of public literary talks in Sweden from 1998–2018 – in relation to literary translations published during the same period – the di...
Vad vi pratar om när vi pratar om översättning
Ansatser, principer och metoder
Översättningsvetenskap i praktiken
Reflections on Doctor Question – Patient Answer Sequences and on Lay Perceptions of Close Translation
The lay perception of those who work with interpreters in their professional conversations (and sometimes of interpreters themselves) is that translation of what they and their patients/clients say should be as close as possible. The very idea of close translation may seem simple, but the practice of rendering spontaneous tal...
The Dynamics of Extratextual Translatorship in Contemporary Sweden
This thesis is concerned with Swedish translators and the society in which they work. It begins with an exploration of the concept of translatorship, leading up to a three-part distinction of 1) textual translatorship, 2) paratextual translatorship, and 3) extratextual translatorship. Adopting a mixed methods approach, the em...
Anthropology over Aesthetics