Publikationer i tolkning och översättning / Publications Interpreting and /Translation studies 2022
LÄNKARNA NEDAN leder till publikationsdatabasen DiVA. / THE LINKS BELOW lead to the publication database DiVA, where the pages will show in Swedish – but you can easily switch to English.
‘Do I Have to Say Exactly Word by Word?’ (Re)producing and Negotiating Asymmetrical Relations in Asylum Interviews
In this paper, we conduct a critical discourse analytical study of asylum interviews in order to contribute to knowledge and awareness of (a) how asymmetrical power relations are discursively (re)produced as well as manoeuvred and negotiated during the interaction and (b) what this means in terms of positioning of the partici...
Translation and creativity in the 21st century
The discussion addresses a host of issues pertaining to various intersections between creativity and translation. Embracing the inevitable vagueness of the concepts, the speakers outline several clusters of topics, including the unpredictability of translation success (Susan Bassnett), critique of instrumentalism in translati...
Literary Translator Studies, Klaus Kaindl, Waltraud Kolb, Daniela Schlager (red), Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2021
[Recension av] Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts. Johan Franzon, Annjo K. Greenall, Sigmund Kvam och Anastasia Parianou (red). Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2021.
Hållbar skolutveckling som social innovation
I Sverige är nyanlända elever i gymnasieåldern en särskilt utsatt grupp. De behöver på kort tid lära sig svenska från grunden samtidigt som de ska tillgodogöra sig skolämnena på svenska. Utbildningen för denna elevgrupp har dessutom brister vad gäller likvärdighet, kvalitet och ändamålsenlighet. I kapitlet beskrivs projektet ...
Pengar och prestige, men inte publicitet? Översättarpriser i Sverige 1862–2019
Northern Crossings
This open access book uses Swedish literature and the Swedish publishing field as recurring examples to describe and analyse the role of the literary semi-peripheral position in world literature from various perspectives and on meso, micro and macro levels, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. This includes the ro...