Doktorsavhandlingar i översättningsvetenskap/Doctoral Theses in Translation Studies
Denna lista visas på den svenska sajten. This list will show on the Swedish site. In DiVA the Thesis' Swedish page will show automatically, but you can easily switch to English.
Translation, Teamwork, and Technology
This dissertation explores translators’ interactions with social and material resources in the translation process. The general aim of the study is to contribute to the knowledge about cognitive translation processes in naturalistic settings, with a specific focus on the ways in which translators interact with social actors a...
Tolkade publika författarsamtal
This dissertation investigates the occurrence and nature of public literary conversations within the discipline of Translation and Interpreting Studies. Alongside a macro-sociological exploration of public literary talks in Sweden from 1998–2018 – in relation to literary translations published during the same period – the di...
The Dynamics of Extratextual Translatorship in Contemporary Sweden
This thesis is concerned with Swedish translators and the society in which they work. It begins with an exploration of the concept of translatorship, leading up to a three-part distinction of 1) textual translatorship, 2) paratextual translatorship, and 3) extratextual translatorship. Adopting a mixed methods approach, the em...