Publikationer i tolkning och översättning / Publications Interpreting and Translation studies 2019
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’Jag tror den kommer från himlen’
This paper is a case study of cognitive load in consecutive interpreting. The data is taken from an example of dual role mediation in an entertainment show on Swedish TV, where the host interviews a Russian-speaking guest while at the same time functioning as interpreter for the Swedish viewers. The assumption of the study i...
Translation bibliomigrancy
This paper examines consecration mechanisms contributing to translation taking place from one local periphery in the global translation field, notably from French Caribbean literature, to another (semi-) periphery, Swedish literature. The translation bibliomigrancy of Dany Laferrière, Maryse Condé and Patrick Chamoiseau is ma...
An ideological war
Recent research has drawn attention to the roles of translators and translation during wartime in countries such as Belgium (Gouanvic 2001), Germany (Rundle & Sturge 2010) and France (Lombez 2013; 2016; 2017). This paper presents the first research on translation during the Nazi occupation of Norway (1940–1945).
An ideological war
Recent research has drawn attention to the roles of translators and translation during wartime in countries such as Belgium (Gouanvic 2001), Germany (Rundle & Sturge 2010) and France (Lombez 2013; 2016; 2017). This paper presents the first research on translation during the Nazi occupation of Norway (1940–1945). Findings ...
One is not born, but rather becomes, Simone de Beauvoir
By presenting the two Norwegian translations of Le deuxième sexe (1949), as well as an overview of how Simone de Beauvoir’s author image changed over time in interplay with the translations, this paper gives an account of the translational history of this seminal work in Norway. The intra-Scandinavian travels of the ...
Mitt minimalistiske bibliotek
Å avkolonisere akademia
Jemina Napier, Robert Skinner and Sabine Braun (Eds.). Here or there: Research on interpreting via video link
Asymmetrical language proficiency in dialogue interpreters
Language proficiency of dialogue interpreters, who typically work in the public service sector, is an under-researched area. Contrary to conference interpreters, for dialogue interpreters there is no generally accepted definition of proficiency levels of working languages. This article discusses language proficiency in dialog...
Sveriges språkflora
Det talas smånga språk i Sverige idag, med de flesta av oss vet nästan ingenting om merparten av dem. Kan man se skillnad på arabiska och persiska? Åt vilket håll skrivs somaliska? Var talar man (ny)arameiska? Talas samma teckenspråk överallt i världen?
I den här boken presenteras fakta om drygt 40 av de språk som talas...
Introduction: voice, ethics and translation
Although previous research on ethics demonstrates growing awareness that many agents or subjectivities besides translators and interpreters are involved in translation and interpreting processes, the consequences of this multiplicity for thinking about ethics in translation still lacks focused attention. In this introduction,...
Changing Footings on 'Jacob's Ladder'
This case study examines a Swedish TV interview with a Soviet pop singer in 1985 where the talk show host, who is both a trained interpreter and an experienced media journalist, acts as a dual-role mediator, interviewing and interpreting at the same time. The analysis is contextualized within the political and milita...
The (un-) ethical interpreting researcher
This article discusses different aspects of research ethics, the researcher’s voice and discretionary power in interpreting studies. Research ethics is laid down in international conventions, which in turn are reflected in national regulations and ethical vetting. Discretionary power is understood as the leeway for making con...
Skolans flerspråkiga personal som tolkresurs i kartläggningssamtal om litteracitet
I denna artikel redogör vi för några utmaningar som parterna ställs inför i kartläggningssamtal med nyanlända elever där flerspråkig skolpersonal fått i uppdrag att tolka. Analyser av transkriberade och översatta sekvenser ur fem videoinspelade samtal visar att den flerspråkiga skolpersonalens pedagogiska kompetens i mycket l...
”Förslagsvis kunde en ren översättning av de tyska uttrycken användas”
Language barriers and the use of professional interpreters
Background: Healthcare personnel are responsible for providing patient-centered care regardless of their patients' language skills, but language barriers is identified as the main hindrances providing effective, equitable and safe care to patients with limited proficiency in a country's majority language. This study is a nati...
The interpreter's voice
Objectives: The objective of this study was to explore interpreters' perceived strategies in the interaction in interpreter-mediated consultations between healthcare personnel and patients/families with limited Swedish proficiency in pediatric oncology care. Methods: This study had an inductive approach using an exploratory q...
Fansubbing in subtitling land
Fansubs (subtitles made by fans for fans) have become a global practice, and it is by now a fairly well-described phenomenon, particularly for fansubs of Japanese anime. However, for Sweden, which has a long and strong tradition of prosubs (commissioned professional subtitles), there have hardly been any studies of t...
Children’s Literature
Adults as well both can and do read children's literature, either together with children or without them, just like children and young adults can read diverse literary materials targeting adults. The origins of children's literature are often traced back to early modern educational books for boys and girls that taught religio...
The Proliferating Paths of Jorge Luis Borges’ Work in Translation and the Resistance to an Innovative Trait
This chapter focuses on a few selected translations of Borges literary prose, showing that Borges translators have chosen different paths, and that these are not always reconcilable one with the other. In the story, a Chinese agent working for the Germans in World War I is about to kill a random British citizen named Albert. ...