Publikationer i tolkning och översättning / Publications Interpreting and Translation studies 2018
LÄNKARNA NEDAN leder till publikationsdatabasen DiVA. För nya publikationer i Svenska/Nordiska språk och i Tvåspråkighet, se längst ned på sidan. / THE LINKS BELOW lead to the publication database DiVA, where the pages will show in Swedish – but you can easily switch to English. For recent publications in Bilingualism and Swedish/Scandinavian Languages, please see bottom of page.
"Man kan leda en häst till vatten men inte tvinga den att dricka"
Narrativ praxis i vård och omsorg
Flerspråkighet i vård och omsorg
Kompetensen att lyssna
Interpreting in The Zone
Making theory work in practice
The BA-programme in Swedish Sign Language and Interpreting, 180 ECTS. university level in Sweden. It is a three-year BA programme divided into six semesters of courses that are both practically and theoretically organized and it leads to a BA in Translation Studies with a focus on SSL interpreting. The first students enrolled...
Transcultural images
Language users employ figures of speech for a multitude of reasons, such as elucidation, facilitation of meaning, or illustration. Regardless of the reasons for using a figure of speech, the images employed in the figurative language use is central. Metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech rely for their success on a s...
Bibliomigrationsmöster från periferi till semiperiferi
The aim of the article Bibliomigration from Periphery to (Semi)Periphery is threefold: firstly to describe the bibliomigration patterns of the Contemporary Spanish Caribbean Literature to Sweden, secondly to test the Double Consecration Hypothesis, and thirdly to discuss the importance of translation in relation to World Lite...
Changing Footings on 'Jacob's Ladder'
This case study examines a Swedish TV interview with a Soviet pop singer in 1985 where the talk show host, who is both a trained interpreter and an experienced media journalist, acts as a dual-role mediator, interviewing and interpreting at the same time. The analysis is contextualized within the political and milita...
Deliberate practice
Deliberate practice, as described in expertise theory of cognitive psychology, stems, at least in part, from Ericsson, Krampe and Tesch-Römer’s seminal 1993 study of violin students from the Music Academy of West Berlin. In their article, Ericsson et al. take issue with the belief that truly exceptional performers are unique ...
Development and evaluation of the Communication over Language Barriers questionnaire (CoLB-q) in paediatric healthcare
Objective: To develop a valid and reliable questionnaire addressing the experiences of healthcare personnel of communicating over language barriers and using interpreters in paediatric healthcare. Methods: A multiple- methods approach to develop and evaluate the questionnaire, including focus groups, cognitive interviews, a p...
Cognitive space
Exploring the Situational Interface of Translation and Cognition
The contributions of this volume explore the dynamics of the interface between the cognitive and situational levels in translation and interpreting. Until relatively recently, there has been an invisible line in translation and interpreting studies between cognitive research (e.g., into mental processes or attitudes) and soci...
Fansubbing in subtitling land
Fansubs (subtitles made by fans for fans) have become a global practice, and it is by now a fairly well-described phenomenon, particularly for fansubs of Japanese anime. However, for Sweden, which has a long and strong tradition of prosubs (commissioned professional subtitles), there have hardly been any studies of t...
Grasping and Reproducing Topical Episode Boundaries
In Sweden, numerous public conversations on literature featuring authors from abroad are held each year. Some of those are interpreted for the audience. Interpreting strategies evolve to cope with the formal constraints, as well as the amplification of a staged conversation, which is generated by the contextual setting and cu...
Exploring cognitive aspects of competence in signed language interpreting
Sign language interpreting of dialogues shares many features with the interpreting of dialogues between non-signed languages. We argue that from a cognitive perspective in dialogue interpreting, despite some differences between the two types of interpreting, sign language interpreters use many of the same processes and handle...
Boundaries Around, Boundaries Within
The articles in this thematic section all address questions concerning the translation profession, translator status and identity in ways that are associated with the concept of boundaries. The ar-ticles are based on presentations held at a panel on translator status and identity during the 8th Congress of the European Societ...
HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business
Conducting experimental research in audiovisual translation (AVT)
Experimental studies on AVT have grown incrementally over the past decade. This growing body of research has explored several aspects of AVT reception and production using behavioural measures such as eye tracking, as well as venturing into physiological measures such as electroencephalography (EEG), galvanic skin response, a...
Kontakt genom tolk
On methodology
This paper explores mixed methods research as a methodological approach integrating 1) philosophical and conceptual stances, 2) inquiry logics and 3) research methods. It is found to be pluralistic in that researchers may approach all three domains in a variety of ways, and eclectic in that any combination of data, methods an...
Revisiting the Concept of Cooperation in Translation Work
Syftet med den här artikeln är att problematisera begreppet samarbete i översättningssammanhang. Begreppet har lyfts fram i den översättningsvetenskapliga litteraturen som en central komponent i professionellt översättningsarbete, men definitionerna av begreppet skiljer sig åt. I artikeln redogör jag för olika perspektiv på b...
Modeller för processer i tolkning
I detta kapitel beskrivs ett antal modeller för att analysera, illustrera och förklara tolkning. I det här kapitlet vill jag skapa förståelse för vad modeller i tolkning beskriver samt för hur deras teoretiska utgångspunkter kan påverka den beskrivningen. Modellerna är valda för att de fått stort genomslag både inom tolkforsk...
Skrivtolkning - muntlighet under skriftspråklig flagg
Skrivtolkning innebär tolkning från tal till skrift. I kapitlet ifrågasätts uppfattningen om skrivtolken som en snabbskrivande «maskin» som försöker skriva ned allt som sägs. Istället förfäktas tesen att skrivtolkning bör ses som en tolkningsform i sin egen rätt, och att tillämpande av rön från forskning kring andra former av...
The (un-) ethical interpreting researcher
This article discusses different aspects of research ethics, the researcher’s voice and discretionary power in interpreting studies. Research ethics is laid down in international conventions, which in turn are reflected in national regulations and ethical vetting. Discretionary power is understood as the leeway for making con...
Traduction et réception de sujets difficiles en littérature de jeunesse de la France à la Suède
Kitty Crowther (née en 1970) est connue en Suède pour avoir reçu en 2010 le prix Alma, prix international accordé en mémoire de l’écrivaine suédoise pour la jeunesse, Astrid Lindgren. Kitty Crowther rédige et illustre des livres pour enfants depuis les années 1990. Une dizaine de ses ouvrages sur une trentaine ont été traduit...
Translating humorous elements in children's books - Astrid Lindgren's Bill Bergson books in English and German
Research in the translation of humorous elements in children’s books is a complex subject, which cannot be reduced to studies of wordplay and of other highly humorous items. The translation of slightly humorous items can also influence the whole literary work if such elements are used frequently. This article analyses the way...
Tueuses sans gages ou l’émergence de l’« inquiétante adolescente » dans les romans réalistes contemporains pour adolescents.
Through examples of realistic novels for Swedish teenagers and, in comparison with the French production of the early 2000s, this article seeks to highlight the growing emergence in Sweden of a "nasty" teenager who uses unprovoked violence against other teenagers. This character of a nasty girl begins, timidly, to break out/e...
From old tricks to Netflix
Like other translation norms, interlingual subtitling norms for television evolve over time, influenced by technology, mediascape development and other trends. Originating in cinema subtitling norms, TV subtitling norms began to develop at national public service broadcasters. Later, norms became international with the rise o...
What is this thing called Journal of Adiovisual Translation?
We are proud to present the first issue of the Journal of Audiovisual Translation. Launching this new journal would not have been possible without the hard work of the Editorial Board members, much appreciated contributions from the Authors and support from ESIST and Scientific Board members. Audiovisual translation ...
Part 4 Lost and Found: Translation and Circulation
Translation Bibliomigrancy
World Literatures