Regionalism in Latin America 2020-10-27 Agents, Systems and Resilience - New publication Edited By José Briceño-Ruiz and Andres Rivarola Puntigliano
Corporate Contributions to Electoral Campaigns: The Current State of Affairs 2018-05-29 Book chapter by Nubia Evertsson (2018), Handbook of Political Party Funding / [ed] Jonathan Mendilow and Eric Phélippeau, Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing, (pages 33-54)
Cabildeo ciudadano y democracia en México: 10 años de sociedad civil e incidencia efectiva 2017-11-07 Autoras: Mara I. Hernández y Luz Paula Parra - Este libro se realizó en coordinación con la Doctora Mara Hernández del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) de México, y es publicado por el Instituto Belisario Dominguez del Senado de la República de México.
Brazil and Latin America: Between the Separation and Integration Paths 2017-08-09 Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano and José Briceño-Ruiz (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2017)
Brasiliens politiska och ekonomiska utmaningar 2017-05-15 I två artiklar i Utrikespolitiska institutets Utrikesmagasinet beskriver Torsten Wetterblad de politiska resp. ekonomiska utmaningar som Brasilien står inför
Disasters and crises in Latin America: an anthropological perspective 2017-04-19 The newly re-launched Open Access Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies has published its latest special collection: “Disasters and crises in Latin America: an anthropological perspective”. This special collection presents anthropological contributions to the understanding of disasters and crises in Latin America.
Economía Política Internacional y Territorio 2017-03-17 Chapter in book, Gobernanza de las Integraciones Regionales, Ma. Antonia Correa Serrano y Leonardo Federico Manchón Cohan (coords.) (Mexico DF: Itaca / UAM-X, 2017).
Iberoamericana’s latest issue: volume 45, Issue 1. 2017-02-24 The newly re-launched Open Access Iberoamericana –Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,has published its latest regular issue: volume 45, Issue 1. We invite you to review the Table of Contents.
Thinking globally from the periphery: Raúl Prebisch and the World System 2017-02-24 Chapter in book by Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano (2017), in Matias E. Margulis (ed) The Global Political Economy of Raúl Prebisch, New York: Routledge.
A Nested Analysis of Electoral Donations 2017-02-24 Article by Nubia Evertsson (2017), Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 11(1): 77-98.
Secularities, Diversities and Pluralities 2017-02-24 Article by Edgar Zavala-Pelayo and Manuel Góngora-Mera (2016), Social Inclusion, 4(2): 65-76.
Applying the security-development nexus on the ground: land restitution in Colombia 2017-02-24 Article by Manuela Nilsson and Laura K. Taylor (2017), Conflict, Security & Development, 17(1): 73-89.
Reconstructing the social fabric amid ongoing violence 2017-02-24 Article by Laura K. Taylor, Manuela Nilsson & Brenda Amezquita-Castro (2016), Peacebuilding, 4(1): 83-98.
Ethnic rights and the dilemma of extractive development in plurinational Bolivia 2017-02-24 Article by Rickard Lalander (2016), The International Journal of Human Rights, Online first.
The Ecuadorian Resource Dilemma. Sumak Kawsay or Development? 2017-02-24 Article by Rickard Lalander (2016), Critical Sociology, 42(4-5): 623-642.
Ethno-territorial rights and the resource extraction boom in Latin America: do constitutions matter? 2017-02-24 Article by Markus Kröger & Rickard Lalander (2016), Third World Quarterly, 37(4): 682-702.
Negotiating in the absence of trust 2017-02-24 Article by María Mancilla García (2016), Local Environment, Online first.
Explicit Arguments, Hidden Biases 2017-02-24 Article by María Mancilla García (2016), Society & Natural Resources, 29(9): 1110-1123.
Safeguarding what and for whom? The role of institutional fit in shaping REDD+ in Mexico 2017-02-24 Article by Constance L. McDermott & Claudia Ituarte-Lima, Ecology and Society, 21(1): 9.
Private Conflict Regulation and the Influence of Peasant Communities over Natural Resources 2017-02-24 Article by Maria-Therese Gustafsson (2016), Latin American research review, 51(2): 86-106.
Between opportunities and threats 2017-02-24 Article by Paola Sartoretto (2016), Observatorio (OBS*) Special Issue: Journal, Media, Internet and Social Movements in the context of asymmetries: 35-53.
The Circumstantial Media Activist 2017-02-24 Article by Paola Sartoretto (2016), Javnost: The Public, 23(3): 273-289.
La revolución que nunca fue. Un mensaje de interpretación de las jornadas cívicas de 2015 2017-02-24 Book by Virglio Álvarez Aragón (2016), Serviprensa.
Emerging Markets. The Pacific alliance. Perspectives and Opportunities for Latin America 2017-02-24 Book edited by Mario Torres Jarrín & Jonathan Violante (2016), Salamanca, Spain: The European Institute of International Studies.
21st century geopolitics: integration and development in the age of ‘continental states 2016-09-21 New article by Andrés Rivarola in Journal "Territory, Politics, Governance" - Vol 3, No 3., 2016
Environment in the Age of Internet. Activists, Communication and the Digital Landscape 2016-08-25 How do we talk about the environment? Does this communication reveal and construct meaning? Is the environment expressed and foregrounded in the new landscape of digital media?
Ny bok presenterar aktuell svensk latinamerikaforskning 2016-08-12 CLACSO - "Pensamiento social sueco sobre América Latina" Maria Therese Gustafsson. Fredrik Uggla. [Editores]

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